How to Cure a MRSA Infection Naturally

Nonresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an infection caused by a type of Staphylococcus, or staph, bacteria. These bacteria have evovled through decades of unnecessary antibiotic use and have thus learned to resist many different antibiotics.
Usually, these bacteria live in the nose and on the skin and cause no harm. However, when they begin to multiply uncontrollably, a MRSA infection can occur, especially when there’s a cut or break in your skin.
This type of infection is highly contagious and can spread very fast through direct contact with an infected person. A person may also become infected by coming into contact with an object or surface that an infected person has touched.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in three people carry staph in their nose, usually without any illness. Also, two in 100 people carry MRSA.

MRSA infections are classified as either hospital-acquired (HA-MRSA) or community-acquired (CA-MRSA). While, the HA-MRSA is associated with infections that are contracted in medical facilities like hospitals or nursing homes, the CA-MRSA infection is transmitted through close personal contact with an infected person or through direct contact with an infected wound.
As hospital and community strains of MRSA generally occur in different settings with different causes, the symptoms and risk factors for the two strains differ a lot from each other.
Common symptoms of HA-MRSA include a rash, frequent headaches, muscle aches, chills, a fever, general fatigue, coughing, shortness of breath and chest pain. If not treated timely, it can cause serious complications, such as bacterial pneumonia, a urinary tract infection and sepsis.
The symptoms of CA-MRSA include skin infections in areas that have more body hair or that have been cut, scratched or rubbed. The affected area may be warm to touch. Plus, the infection causes swollen, red, painful bumps on the skin, which resemble a spider bite or pimple. These bumps often have a yellow or white center from which pus and other fluids may drain.
People at the greatest risk of HA-MRSA include older adults and people with weakened immune systems who are hospitalized, people who undergo an invasive medical procedure and those who reside in a long-term care facility.
On the other hand, risk factors for CA-MRSA include participating in contact sports, living in crowded places, living in unsanitary conditions and being homosexual.
While an HA-MRSA infection typically needs extensive medical care as it is a dangerous and life-threatening infection, CA-MRSA infections can be treated at home with some common household ingredients. If the infection has turned into a deep, painful abscess, surgical draining may be required.

Here are the top 10 ways to cure MRSA naturally.

1. Warm Compresses

To treat the swollen, red, painful bumps on the skin caused by a CA-MRSA infection, it is important to apply a warm compress on the affected area.
The heat from the warm compress will help draw blood flow to the area and aid in destroying the harmful bacteria responsible for this infection. Warm compresses also provide relief from pain and swelling.
  1. Mix some common salt in a bowl of warm water and stir thoroughly.
  2. Soak a clean washcloth in it, squeeze out the excess water and press it over the affected area.
  3. Do this repeatedly throughout the day until the small bumps erupt and the pus drains out.
  4. Clean the area thoroughly and apply a medicated ointment to prevent further infection.

2. Turmeric

A natural spice, turmeric is an effective home treatment for a CA-MRSA infection. Its antibacterial power, which is found in the compound curcumin, helps fight the bacterial infection.
Also, its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties aid in healing the infected site.
A 2013 study published in Phytomedicine suggests that the compound curcumin in turmeric, in combination with antibiotics, could lead to the development of new combinations of antibiotics against MRSA infections.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and apply it on the infected area. Cover the area with a bandage. Change the bandage and reapply the mixture twice daily until the infection is clear.
  • Alternatively, mix equal parts of turmeric and bentonite clay powder with enough water to make a paste. Spread the paste onto the boils. Cover with a bandage and change it twice a day.
  • Also, you can boil 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder in 1 cup of milk, then allow it to simmer for a couple of minutes. Strain and drink this golden milk 2 or 3 times a day.
  • You can opt to take turmeric supplements after consulting your doctor.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera works as a great natural antibiotic against drug-resistant bacteria, thanks to its potent antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. It also helps reduce the symptoms and heal your skin.
A 2012 study published in Australasian Medical Journal found an aloe vera gel preparation to be an effective as well as affordable option for treating infections caused by  multi-drug resistant organisms.
  1. Put 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel into a bowl.
  2. Add 2 to 3 teaspoons of turmeric powder to it.
  3. Mix it well and apply on the affected area.
  4. Cover with a bandage and leave it on overnight.
  5. Do this daily until the infection clears.

4. Garlic

Another natural way to cure CA-MRSA is garlic. It contains natural enzymes that aid in balancing the pH level of the body and also work as a strong antibiotic component. The compound allicin provides the antibiotic power to garlic.
Since allicin is more complex than synthetic antibiotics, it is unlikely that bacteria strains will become resistant to garlic or allicin.
Plus, garlic contains several sulfur compounds that boost the immune system.
  • After cleaning the affected area, smear some garlic oil on it and cover it with a bandage. Remove the bandage after a few hours. Do this twice daily for a few days.
  • Eat a few raw garlic cloves on an empty stomach daily as well as include garlic in your cooking.
  • You can opt to take garlic supplements, but only after consulting a doctor.

5. Manuka Honey

Manuka honey contains natural antibacterial and healing properties that can help control and treat CA-MRSA.
When applied to the site of the infection, the honey works to pull the infection out of the body. Additionally, it can sterilize the wound as well as speed up the healing process.
A 2002 study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology reports that the phytochemicals in Manuka honey help inhibit the growth of the bacteria causing the infection.
A 2011 study published in the Journal of Antimicrobiology and Chemotherapy suggests that Manuka honey inhibits cell division in MRSA. This study also indicates the presence of antibacterial components in Manuka honey other than the sugars and methylglyoxal.
Another study published in Frontiers in Microbiology in 2012 found that the hydroxyl radicals generated by Manuka honey make it effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  1. Dab some Manuka honey on the infected site.
  2. Allow it to sit for a few hours before washing it off with lukewarm water.
  3. Repeat a few times a day until the infection clears.
Bear in mind that Manuka honey is stickier than commercial honey.

6. Oil of Oregano

Oil from the common herb oregano is also effective against dangerous and sometimes drug-resistant bacteria.
Its antibacterial nature can kill the bacteria and control staph infections like CA-MRSA. Further, its antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties aid in faster recovery.
A 2001 study by the Georgetown University Medical Center found that carvacrol, one of oregano’s chemical components, appears to reduce staph infection as effectively as traditional antibiotics.
Another 2007 study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology highlights the positive effect of oregano essential oil on Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis strains.
  • Mix 8 to 10 drops of oregano oil in 2 tablespoons of olive oil or any other carrier oil. Apply it on the affected area and leave it on for a few hours. Then, wash it off with lukewarm water and pat dry the area thoroughly. Reapply several times a day.
  • Also, you can mix 2 or 3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water or fruit juice. Drink it twice daily for a week.
Note: Pregnant women should avoid intake of oregano oi


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